Harmonizing Life and Business with Nature: Your Journey to Eco Being

Greetings! I'm Anastasija Štelmane, the individual master coach, author, and visionary behind the transformative ECO-Being training program for companies. 

My Services

Personal Coaching 

My mission extends to individual empowerment, guiding you on a journey towards personal transformation and well-being. With my master coaching approach, I facilitate your growth by helping you overcome challenges, discover your true potential, and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.

Training for Companies

ECO-Being training is not just about hitting sustainability goals – though you'll totally ace those - it's about increasing your value to customers, becoming the guiding "North Star" in your industry, and bagging top talent for your team.

About Me

I'm Anastasija Štelmane: master coach, author, and the driving force behind ECO-Being Training. 

I have integrated over twenty years from all aspects of my professional life and supplemented that with additional professional education, into ECO-Being training.  I have used my multi faceted experience from various roles to ensure that ECO-Being is a comprehensive training solution.

I believe that it will help your company to achieve sustainability goals and, in general, move us closer to solving the ecological crisis. 

For the sake of this training, I have now given up running office design projects to focus 100 percent on my work with you.

In addition to conducting in-person training, I've launched a YouTube channel that delves into the essence of ecological and social sustainability. (link)

Today, I work as an individual coach and facilitate ECO-Being training.

Interesting facts about me

Five years ago, I embarked on a life-changing journey, relocating to Latvia to infuse fresh inspiration into my work. 

I participated in Riga's "Magnetic" business incubator, which ignited my creativity and bestowed me with a mastery of the Latvian language (C2).

My native language is Russian, and I also hold trilingual abilities (English, Spanish, and Latvian) enable me to connect across borders and cultures. 

With my marketing, interior design, and psychology degrees, I am a lifelong learner, continuously absorbing insights from the world's best minds. 

My commitment to personal excellence extends to regular consultations with a therapist and supervisor. 

I find my balance as a dedicated spouse and nurturing mother of two.


A Journey to Success: Your 7-Step Guide to Setting Meaningful Goals