
Transform Your
Climate Anxiety Into Action

April 20, 2024 | 12:00 - 16:00 EEST

Join Anastasija Štelmane For This Virtual Adventure

Once, we thought of ourselves as warriors in a never-ending battle against the climate crisis, armed with facts and figures, ready to defend against rising temperatures and environmental decay.

Our focus was on fighting, on resisting a future that seemed to spiral out of control.

Yet, in this stance of constant conflict, we overlooked a crucial truth:

The real power lies not in battling what we fear but in building what we dream!

Transform your approach to climate engagement with my workshops!

Join me every Saturday for a series of four workshops, followed by a month-long challenge leading into a year of actionable change.

These workshops are designed to shift our focus from climate crisis and anxiety to climate hope and collective action, building a community that supports, engages, and inspires each other towards a sustainable future.

Course Program

Workshop 1:

Understanding Climate Anxiety and Building Our Online Community

Objective: Introduce participants to climate anxiety, sharing experiences, and laying the foundation of an online support community.

Agenda Highlights: Introduction to climate anxiety, personal sharing circle, art exercise, community-building session, meditation, and homework.

Workshop 2:

Navigating Our Feelings and Anxiety

Objective: Explore personal feelings about climate change and introduce psychological techniques for coping.

Agenda Highlights: Exploring feelings, discussing values and climate concerns, practical work, setting personal goals, meditation, and homework including a team video project.

Workshop 3:

Transforming Anxiety
into Action

Objective: Equip participants with strategies to manage climate anxiety and catalyze personal and collective action.

Agenda Highlights: Strategies from cognitive and positive psychology, personal sharing circles, CBT activity, video project discussion, meditation, and homework.

Workshop 4:

Engaging with Local Communities and Networks

Objective: Foster connections with local communities to emphasize the role of local action in global change.

Agenda Highlights: Discussing local action's power, identifying community resources, skills workshop on community engagement, planning a local initiative.

These workshops are not just about learning;
they're about doing, sharing, and growing together.

What you get in the course:

  • Personalized Feedback
    Homework assignments reviewed by Anastasija Štelmane.

  • Comprehensive Workbooks
    Curated materials for deeper understanding and practical application.

  • Webinar Recordings
    Access to recorded webinars to revisit the insights and inspiration.

  • Community Support
    You will join a group chat for real-time questions and discussions.

  • Challenges with Group Support
    Participation in challenges with a chat group, including direct interaction with Anastasija.

  • Professional Video Compilation
    Your contributions to the video project will be professionally edited, making you part of a larger narrative.

The Author and Host


Hi, I’m

Climate psychologist, designer, author of the ECO-Being training, leading force behind the movement to sustainable activism.

Together, we will explore how to cope with our feelings, take care of our mental health and well-being, and inspire those around us.

Let me show you where hope lives and how we can all find it.

Join me, and let's not fight the crisis, but fight for a vision of the future that inspires us!

What to expect:

  • Theory: Gain insights into climate anxiety and strategies to cope with it.

  • Practice Coping Strategies: Learn cognitive and emotional techniques to manage climate-related anxiety effectively.

  • Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals to form a supportive network.

  • Future Architecting: Shift from fighting the crisis to actively creating a sustainable future.

  • Creativity: Participate in a video project to start constructing a world worth living In.

  • Empowerment: Acquire skills to support and educate others, including children.

  • Checked Homework: Engage in activities to discover like-minded people in your community and develop skills, including self-presentation.

  • Certificate of Participation: A recognition of your commitment to climate action and personal growth.

  • Honesty and Transparency

Join us to transform your climate anxiety into action, build meaningful connections, and take your first step towards a sustainable future. 

Together, we can build the dream, not just battle the nightmare.

These workshops are for you if:

  • You feel overwhelmed by climate change and seek ways to manage your anxiety.

  • You desire a supportive community that shares your environmental concerns.

  • You're ready to move from concern to action, looking for effective strategies to make a real impact.

  • You're interested in personal growth through climate activism.

  • You're tired of fighting the crisis and are eager to contribute to building a hopeful, sustainable future.

  • You care about your well-being.

  • You're seeking inspiration by innovative solutions and stories of positive impact from around the globe, reinforcing the belief that change is possible.

  • You want to become a part of something bigger.


  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed by climate change, seeking to channel anxiety into action, or looking to connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Whether you're new to climate activism or seeking to deepen your engagement, these workshops offer valuable insights and experiences.

  • Through targeted homework and activities, you'll discover and connect with like-minded people in your community, learn to organize local events, and plan initiatives that contribute to global climate solutions.

  • Our workshops combine psychology, art therapy, community engagement, and creative storytelling in a unique blend that not only addresses the emotional aspects of climate change but also empowers participants to take concrete actions towards a sustainable future.

  • Yes, all participants will receive ECO-being Certificate of Participation.

  • No, there's no need for prior preparation. Come as you are, with an open mind and heart, ready to engage with the material and the community. All materials and instructions will be provided during the workshops.

  • After the workshops, participants will engage in a month-long challenge, applying what they've learned in a practical project. This leads into a year-long program offering another set of webinars and workshops designed to take your engagement to the next level.

  • All you need is a phone with a camera. We'll take care of the video editing, compiling individual contributions into a final, powerful video narrative that reflects our shared vision for the future. This collaborative project is a key part of our journey, allowing us to create a collective voice for change.

Workshop Agenda

Total Duration: 120-180 minutes (Varies depending on the number of participants).

Number of participants: Up to 18 people.

Part 1:  Theory
We will explore the theory planned for the workshop

Part 2: Practice
Interactive session with activities, discussions depending on the topic of the workshop.

These four workshops are a mix of creativity, psychology and collective action. Together we will cope with climate anxiety through different strategies, engage in a video project to shape our narrative of the future, and develop personal skills in effective communication and community building. This experience promises not only personal growth, but also a pathway to actively contribute to a sustainable future.

Don't miss the chance to be part of something bigger. Save your spot before it's too late!